Yoast Premium 14.9 - Orphaned Content Filter

Minor Issue WordPress Yoast SEO
September 23, 2020 08:42 AM PDT · 4 weeks, 5 hours, 3 minutes, 1 second



We believe this is resolved in version 15.1.2.

After updating, you may need to reindex your “Yoast Indexables” if your orphaned content filter is still not working correctly. To do this:

  1. Install the Yoast Test Helper plugin.

  2. Click the “Reset Indexables tables & migrations” button in that plugin, which will delete the Indexables tables.

  3. Go to SEO > Tools, and then reindex your content.

If that doesn’t work, please email us and we’ll look into it further.

November 4, 2021 · 08:24 AM PDT

In Yoast 14.9, the Orphaned Content filter is not working properly.

We have contacted Yoast Support and received confirmation that they are aware of the bug.

The “Yoast Test Helper” plugin will NOT resolve this issue.

From Yoast Support: “This bug only affects the capability of Yoast SEO Premium to detect internal links, which in turn produces incorrect information in the backend of your website regarding orphaned content… this information is only available to you in the admin panel of your website and doesn’t affect how Google crawls or indexes your website, so your SEO won’t be impacted.”

November 4, 2021 · 08:24 AM PDT

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