Slickstream Search

Minor Issue WordPress Other Plugins
November 25, 2023 09:07 AM PDT · 3 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes



Raptive has resolved its search functionality issue.

Here’s what happened, as reported to us directly by their team – we’re grateful for their open communication during this issue:

  • Slickstream uses a site analyzer to map out how to navigate sites and it creates an index to help search the site.
  • Because Thanksgiving traffic was so extremely heavy, it overloaded the site map analyzer, which couldn’t create the index.
  • As a result, search results were not appearing as expected. Some creators were also seeing issues with their favorite counts.
  • They were able to fix the issue by manually reconnecting the sitemap analyzer.
  • They’re working on options to build more durability around the system so this doesn’t happen again.
November 28, 2023 · 02:09 PM PDT

Raptive has confirmed to us they’re aware of the search issue and are actively working on a resolution.

In the meantime, you can disable the Search feature sitewide by going to and then “Config” scrolling down to the “Search” options. Un-check both mobile & desktop and click “Save.”

November 25, 2023 · 09:09 AM PDT

We’ve received multiple reports this morning of Slickstream’s Search Feature not working. Slickstream has been having issues for the past few days due to the high holiday traffic; they have told us they’re aware of and working on it. We’ve also reached out today and will update this issue with any other details as we learn more.

In the meantime, you could temporarily deactivate the Slickstream Search at – but this may cause increased load on your server since your site will go back to WordPress’ default search feature, so be sure to keep an eye on things.

November 25, 2023 · 09:07 AM PDT

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