Slickstream Plugin

Major Issue WordPress Other Plugins
February 16, 2023 08:30 AM PDT · 9 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 5 hours, 45 minutes



Slickstream version 1.4.3 restores the previous Genesis-compatible CLS fix, so the plugin’s functionality with regard to addressing CLS issues is similar to version 1.2.5 (and earlier). As such, we’re marking this issue as resolved.

November 28, 2023 · 02:14 PM PDT

Plugin version 1.4.2 has helped address CLS related to some Slickstream elements; however, the embedded filmstrip banner still causes significant CLS on some sites. Plugin version 1.2.5 is still our current recommended version unless our team has recommended or assisted in updating your site to version 1.4.2.

July 10, 2023 · 11:19 AM PDT

Plugin version 1.4.2 has helped address CLS related to some Slickstream elements; however, the embedded filmstrip banner still causes significant CLS on some sites. Plugin version 1.2.5 is still our current recommended version, however, we are working on a way to start updating sites to 1.4.2 while addressing the CLS.

May 23, 2023 · 12:25 PM PDT

Plugin version 1.4.1 still causes significant CLS on 50% of sites that we tested on this version. Our recommended version of this plugin remains 1.2.5.

April 19, 2023 · 09:42 AM PDT

We’re still seeing some CLS with plugin version 1.4.0. Our current recommended version of the Slickstream plugin is still version 1.2.5. We’re continuing to troubleshoot the issue with AdThrive.

March 15, 2023 · 11:10 AM PDT

AdThrive released Slickstream plugin version 1.4.0 with the CLS fixes we helped them troubleshoot. We have not yet tested this newest version but are working on it. For now, we still recommend sticking with version 1.2.5 until we can do comprehensive testing of 1.4.0.

March 10, 2023 · 08:26 AM PDT

There was a major coding update to the Slickstream plugin recently, version 1.3.1 currently, with the intent to solve plugin-related CLS better and with fewer settings to manage. However, there are still some kinks to work out of the implementation and we’re concerned about the amount of CLS that the film strip banner is causing.

If Our Team Manages Your Updates

We’re rolling back all sites where we’ve updated the plugin. We’re rolling back from version 1.3.1 to our current recommended version, 1.2.5.

If You Manage Your Own Updates

We highly recommend if you haven’t updated yet, that you hold off. If you’ve updated the plugin to 1.3.1, we recommend you roll it back to version 1.2.5 using the “WP Rollback” plugin.

February 16, 2023 · 08:31 AM PDT

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